Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tofu Stirfry

With soy gaining reputation as a “super food”, it’s no wonder that many people are turning to tofu as their heart healthy and cancer fighting protein source. According to an article in Reader’s Digest, a recent study of 68,000 Chinese women who ate a soy-rich diet found that 30 percent were less likely to develop colorectal cancer. Similarly, a Japanese study on 14,000 men found that prostate cancer risk was cut by as much as 40 percent. With this in mind, try this super quick recipe for Tofu Stir-Fry and see how fast you can be on your way to the amazing health benefits of Soy!

Believe it or not, but tofu is extremely nutritious and has many health benefits. Just eating two grams of it daily can help your body reduce the cholesterol it absorbs by more than 10% from other unhealthy foods.
Tofu is low in fat, calories and cholesterol. It is also an excellent source of high quality proteinfrom non-meat foods.

Tofu is also rich in B-vitamins and contains a lot of calcium. Calcium helps in the prevention of osteoporosis - thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density.

Tofu is also friendly to your digestive system as it is easy to digest due to the removal of soybean's fiber during the manufacturing process.
Most soy-foods, including tofu, helps in the reduction of cholesterol in our body. It helps maintain the level of good HDL cholesterol by lowering the levels of bad LDL cholesterol.

Tofu is rich in isoflavones. Isoflavones reduces risk osteoporosis, breast and prostate cancers.


Extra Firm Tofu – 1 14oz package
Oil – 1 Tbsp
Soy Sauce – to taste
Chinese Chili Sauce (like Sambal) – to taste


1. Drain liquid from Tofu package.
2. Cut into large pieces and press out excess liquid with a paper towel.
3. Cut tofu into bite size cubes.
4. Heat Oil in a non-stick skillet.
5. Add Tofu and cook on high heat until all sides are light brown.
6. Sprinkle Soy Sauce and Chili Sauce and toss until tofu is well coated.
7. Serve hot.

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